- panel
10. Dedication by Flavius Eusebios
35. Flavius Septimius a benefactor
59. Acclamations of Mardaetus and of the Pytheanitae (gameboard)
72. Fl. Epiphanios Hermias and others make a benefaction
81. Honours for an Emperor, Justinian
89. Acclamation for Theopompos, magnificentissimus, pater civitatis
90. Orthagoras, bishop, undertakes building work
97. Fragment of donor's prayer
116. Prayer of Damocharis, cursor
123. Name
158. Funerary verse for Makedonios
170. Epitaph of Charito
172. Epitaph of Eutychia
178. Epitaph of Mag
185. Monogram acclamation of the Greens
190. Place inscription of Epiktetos, cloakroom-attendant
220. Fragment of a Latin text (Regulation)
226. Panel fragment: funerary
227. Panel fragment: funerary
228. Fragment of building inscription
229. Fragment of building inscription.
237. Funerary inscription for Epiphanios, bull-rearer
242. Fragment of funerary verse
245. Building inscription
302. Panel fragment, from Temple
303. Panel fragment, from Temple
306. Funerary text for Ammia
307. Panel fragments from temple
?312. Fragment from Temple
314. Funerary panel for Threptos and Ariston
315. Panel fragment, from Temple
316. Panel fragment, from Temple
317. Panel fragment, from Temple
318. Panel fragment, from Temple
332. Fragment from Temple
334. Fragment from Temple
341. Funerary fragment
352. Fragmentary honours from Temple
380. Fragment with alphabet
387. Panel fragment from Temple
391. Funerary fragment from Temple
394. Fragments of panel
406. Fragment (II cent)
430. Fragment
432. Fragment, of honours
437. Panel fragment
449. Fragment from Bishop's palace
452. Funerary inscription for a baker
454. Fragments, ? late Republican
471. Fragment from honours (or funerary) for Attalos
505. Decree of the koinon of Asia
563. Senatus Consultum de Aphrodisiensibus or Lex de Aphrodisiensibus
653. List of prizes for a contest
663. Honours for the People of Tabae
707. Jewish Graffiti in Baths
801. Fragment from Theatre
815. Fragment
818. Title for image of people of the Rhaeti
829. Title for image of the Arabs
843. Fragment
849. Panel fragment
860. Fragments
861. Monumental revetment fragment
865. Honours for M. Aur. Zenon
901. Honours for Papias
905. Honours for Antonius Antiochos from his daughter
?910. Funerary fragment
1058. Fragment
1065. Funerary verse
1068. Funerary fragment
1093. Funerary verse for Elpis
1095. Funerary fragment
1096. Funerary fragment
1097. Fragment
1099. Panel fragment
1100. Panel fragment
1139. Funerary fragment from Basilica
1161. Building inscription by Aristokles [Molossos] son of Ar[temidorus]
1173. Building inscription [by Aristokles Molossos]
1214. Votive offering to Asklepios by Amias
1215. Votive offering to Asklepios
1266. Panel dedication with imperial reference
1276. Building dedication of the Eusebian Bath to the Emperors and Aphrodite
1286. Honours for an emperor, Augustus Germanicus
1303. Funerary fragment
?1305. Fragment, stray
1320. Letters from Hadrian to the city
1322. Fragments of funerary panel
1323. Fragment of funerary panel
1333. Funerary for Aurelia Meltine
1340. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1354. Funerary for M. Aurelius Adrastos son of Deiomedes
1355. Funerary fragment, II-III cent.
1358. Funerary formula
1359. Funerary inscription for Hilarianos descendant of Zenon
1360. Funerary fragment, II cent.
1361. Funerary for Menandros
1362. Funerary for Gaius Julius Nigerus
1365. Funerary fragment
1382. Funerary formula from house east of Theatre
1388. Fragment of funerary panel from Theatre
1393. Funerary for Eikad son of Hermokrates
?1395. Funerary fragment from Theatre
1398. Funerary for Dionysios K
1420. Funerary for son of Menodotos son of Neikoteimos
?1559. Funerary inscription
1587. Funerary fragment, re-used in Mosque
?1604. Funerary inscription for Theseus
1610. Monumental fragment
1630. Funerary inscription for Zoilos son of Apollonios
?1685. Funerary text for Tiberius Claudius M
1720. Honours for Hermias
1737. Fragment of honours
1744. Honours for Tib. Cl. [Apollonios] Aurelianos
1748. Honours for M. Au[relius - ]
1756. Fragmentary honours
1808. Posthumous honours for M. Quintilius Pedukaios
1814. Panel fragment
1818. Donor's inscription of Kapitoleinos
1834. Fragmentary title for Amazonomachy sculpture
1868. Panel fragment fom Theatre
1893. Fragment from Temple
- panelled block
1265. Building dedication by Aristokles Molossos
- panel-stele
619. Gladiator memorial for [ . . . ]enis
620. Gladiator memorial for Euplous
621. Gladiator memorial of Eupithanos
622. Gladiator memorial
623. Gladiator memorial for Kalandion
624. Gladiator memorial for Pheropes
1847. Honours for the wife of M. Ulpius Carminius Klaudianos
- paving
119. Prayer of/to Michael
131. Names
193. Place inscription of Aelianos
336. Fragment of slab in Temple; mason's mark
474. Fragment
585. Pavement designs and an acclamation
586. Pavement designs
590. Pavement design
593. Basilica, gameboard
594. Gameboard and pavement designs, Bishop's Palace
612. Invocation of Ourania
?1090. Fragment
1816. Mason's mark
- pediment
1373. Funerary formula fragment
- pilaster
342. Honours (heading)
503. Letter of Quintus Oppius
504. Letter of Nikomedes IV
1636. Warning against theft
?1920. Honours for Ulpia Carminia Prokla
- pilaster capital
494. Fragment from Theatre
- plaque
155. Funerary verse for Stephanos
156. Funerary verse for Jordanes
?161. Fragment of funerary verse
162. Funerary verse for Arkimos
163. Epitaph of Athanasios
173. Epitaph of Nikolaos
174. Epitaph of Theodokios
175. Epitaph of Asklepiodotos
176. Epitaph of Polychronios
177. Epitaph of Rufinianos
424. Fragment, undated
1059. Fragment from Sebasteion
1063. Fragment from Theatre
1216. Votive offering to Asklepios
- plinth
828. Dedication or title of sculpture
1067. Sculptor's signature: Menodotos
1577. Fragment from a sculptor's signature, of Apollonios
1723. a: Honours for Claudia Antonia Tatiane; b. Sculptor's signature, of Alexandros
- pot
146. Invocation