List of Monuments: A
All inscriptions listed by type of monument, when that is identifiable; items may have multiple types.
- altar
- 2.504. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos
- 2.516. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos
- 8.202. Sculptor's signature of Menippos
- 8.209. Votive offering to Kore Plyarei by Diogenes and Tatias
- 8.210. Oath of Plarasa/Aphrodisias, Kibyra, and Tabae
- 8.212. Dedication by Gaius Volousios, mime actor
- ?8.233. Building dedication for Aphrodite, Emperors and Demos
- 8.409. Sundial
- 8.501. Altar dedication by Diogenes son of Damonikos
- 8.708. Altar dedication for Hadrian
- ?9.119. Dedication for Hadrian Soter
- ?10.103. Votive offering to a goddess (Aphrodite)
- 11.3. Dedication by Dionysios on behalf of Ammia
- 11.203. Fragment of an altar dedication
- 13.119. Votive dedication by children of Hermias
- ?14.6. Funerary inscription of Peritas, on base or altar;
- 15.101. Votive to Hekate Euantetos
- 15.266. Honours or dedication
- altar-stele
- ?10.101. Gladiator memorial for Kaistillos
- 10.102. Gladiator memorial for Margaretes
- 11.501. Gladiator memorial for Secundus
- 11.502. Gladiator memorial for Menandros, bestiarius
- 11.503. Gladiator memorial for [ . . .]pes, bestiarius
- 12.13. Gladiator memorial for Patroklos
- 12.15. Gladiator memorial for Xanthos
- 12.16. Gladiator memorial for [?Margar]eites
- 12.615. Gladiator memorial for Skirtos
- 12.621. Gladiator memorial for Fortis
- 12.622. Gladiator memorial for Aniketos
- 13.123. Gladiator memorial, for Unio
- 13.304. Gladiator memorial for Podenemos
- 15.225. Gladiator memorial
- 15.267. Gladiator memorial
- 15.279. Gladiator memorial for Narkissos
- architrave
- 1.24. Name: Stephanos, subdeacon ( prayer/invocation )
- 1.102. Building dedication to the Divine Augustus by Eusebes son of Menandros
- 1.174. Building dedication for Hadrian
- 2.302. Fragment, Augustan date, from Odeon area
- 2.303. Building inscription by [—]nius Lysias
- 2.701. Building dedication for Aphrodite
- 3.2. Building inscription by priest of Libertas
- 3.3. Building dedication to a god
- 3.102. Building inscription
- 4.3. Building dedication to an emperor
- 4.4. Building dedication to Aphrodite and emperors
- 4.5. Gameboard
- 4.19. Philippos, admirandissimus, pays for work in the South Agora
- 5.5. Building dedication to Aphrodite and emperors
- 5.9. Building dedication to Aphrodite and Hadrian
- 5.219. Dionysios, doctor, undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
- 5.303. Building inscription of Pytheas, in verse
- 6.2. Building dedication for Titus
- 6.5. Verse honours for Ioannes, governor of Caria
- 8.1. i. Building dedication to Aphrodite and Demos; ii. Invocation to Ourania; iii. Acclamation for the City
- 8.3. Decree of Plarasa/Aphrodisias
- 8.262. Dedication (building inscription), to a saint
- 9.1. Building restoration dedicated to Aphrodite and emperors
- 9.19. Honours for anonymous, high-priest
- 9.25. Building dedication of Sebasteion portico for Aphrodite, Emperors and Demos
- 9.112. Building dedication to Tiberius and Livia
- 11.25. Building inscription of Melition son of Pythion
- 11.304. Fragment, first /second century
- 11.407. Building dedication to Aphrodite
- 12.8. Building inscription by Claudia
- ?12.209. Building inscription
- 12.302. Building inscription, late Hellenistic
- 12.304. Building dedication to Zeus
- 12.404. Building dedication s, by Antipatros and by Dionysios, to Demos
- ?12.405. Building dedication to Demos
- 12.406. Building dedication to Demos
- 12.407. Building dedication to Demos
- 12.408. Building dedication to Demos
- 12.504. Building dedication to Demos
- 12.505. Building dedication to Demos
- 12.506. Building dedication to Demos
- 12.903. Building inscription of Artemidoros Muon
- 12.1014. Building inscription, by a man and wife
- 12.1203. Building inscription fragment
- ?13.503. Building dedication to Demos
- 15.211. Building inscription fragment, I B.C./I A.D.
- 15.239. Fragment, undated, stray find
- architrave block
- 8.82. Building dedication to Nemesis
- 12.318. Building inscription: restoration of building by ?Eusebes
- 12.602. Funerary honours for Geis and Heraios
- 14.1. Building inscription fragment, undated.
- 15.212. Building inscription fragment, I B.C./I A.D.