21. Honours for Valens by Antonius Tatianus
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
A rectangular white marble base with panels within moulding on four sides (1.21 × 0.60 × 0.575).
- Text:
Inscribed on two opposite faces; the other text, which is unpublished, honours a distinguished citizen of the early third
- Letters:
Letters: 0.03–0.04; Φ, 0.055; elongated and clear cut; similar to 20; scroll for abbreviation.
- Date:
c. AD 364.
Φλ(άουιον) Κλ(αύδιον) Βάλητα
v. Αὔγουστον
Ἀντ(ώνιος) Τατιανὸς
ὁ λαμπρ(ότατος) ἡγεμὼν
ἐπαρχείας |
v. Καρίας leaf
Antonius Tatianus, clarissimus praeses of the province of Caria (set up this statue of) Flavius Claudius Valens, Augustus.
Face (1972) |
Top of base (1993) |
Face (2004) |
Face, left side and top (2004) |
See discussion at III.10.
For Antonius Tatianus see also no. 20, and List of Governors, Antonius Tatianus.
- Found:
Theatre: re-used in the central stretch of the Theatre defence wall. See plan 6
- Original:Tetrastoon, west portico: a rectangular plinth, on which this base probably stood, is in position, against a column of the west portico
of the tetrastoon, just south of the probable plinth of 20. See plan 6.
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Excavated in 1972 by the NYU expedition (72.54).
- Bibliography:
Cited by J. R. Martindale, Historia 29 (1980), 494; published by •Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 21 and Plate vi, whence PHI 658.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History