20. Honours for Julian by Antonius Tatianus
Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
a. A white marble base capital, for a columnar base, and b. the white marble columnar shaft of a statue base with simple moulding
above and below (H. 1.16; diam. 0.53). The moulding is cut into on both sides, as is the shaft itself on one side, as if it had served as a support for a balustrade
(or perhaps for re-use in the defence wall). The moulding is half smoothed, and half left rough. The statue also survives:
see Smith (2001).
- Text:
Line 1 is on a simple column capital, inscribed at the top of the drum; lines 2-13 are on the shaft, but the inscription is
not centred in respect of the moulding.
- Letters:
Elongated and elegant, except for the last word in l.2, which has been inserted in a rasura, and is clumsily cut; l.1, 0.03; ll.2-3, 0.025; ll.3-7, 9 ff., 0.03; 1. 8, 0.035; Φ, 0.05; scroll for abbreviation.
- Date:
AD 361/363
Ἀγαθῆι Τύχηι·
Φλ(άουιον) Κλ(αύδιον)
v. τὸν αἰώνιον
καὶ εὐσεβέστατον
v. Αὔγουστον
Ἀντώνιος Τατιανὸς
v. ὁ λαμπρ(ότατος) ἡγεμὼν
πᾶν τὸ ὁρώμενον |
ἔργον τοῦ τετραστώου |
v. ἐκ θεμελίων καὶ τὸν
περικειμένον σύμπαν- |
τα κόσμον τῇ μητροπόλι
v. κατασκευάσας leaf
To Good Fortune. Antonius Tatianus, clarissimus praeses, having built all the work of the tetrastoon that can be seen from the foundations, and all the surrounding decoration, for
the metropolis, (set up this statue) of Flavius Claudius Julianus (later emended to Theodosius), the eternal and most pious Augustus.
l.2: Θεοδόσιον added in a later hand, in rasura; the erased name must be Ἰουλιανόν.
Base capital (1977) |
Base shaft (1978) |
Base shaft (1980) |
Base shaft (1983) |
Face (1978) |
Statue and base: Drawing: K.Gorkay, from Smith (2001)
See discussion at III.10. For Antonius Tatianus see also no. 21 and List of Governors, Antonius Tatianus; for the monument as whole, see Smith (2001).
- Found:
Tetrastoon: re-used in the northern stretch of the seventh-century defence wall which blocks off the east end of the Theatre. See plan 6
- Original:
Tetrastoon, west portico: A round plinth, on which this stone probably stood, is apparently in its original position, against the west
portico, just south of 62 and 65. See plan 6.
- Last Recorded:
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Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History