29. Fl. Pelagius Ioannes gives a column
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
A white marble column fluted above and smooth below. 'Höhe: 154, Breite: 220.'.
- Text:
Cut on the smooth surface, below the fluting.
- Letters:
0.085; irregular, somewhat elongated; abbreviations: scroll in l.1, Ρ above line in l. 3.
- Date:
Later fourth century (titles, lettering).
Φλ(αουίου) Πελαγίου |
Ἰωάννου |
τοῦ λαμπρ(οτάτου)
(Gift of) Flavius Pelagius Ioannes, clarissimus praeses.
Kubitschek notebook 3, page 38 |
For Fl. Pelagius Ioannes see List of Governors, Pelagius Ioannes; see discussion at III.32.
- Found:North Agora; south portico on the eighth column (counted from the east) 'der Rest der 8. Säule' (Kubitschek). See plan 1.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
This remnant has now disappeared, probably into the nearby water channel, which is lined with column fragments.
- Recording:
Copied by Kubitschek (K.III.38, Abklatsch xxx); not reported subsequently.
- Bibliography:
Published by Cormack, ABSA 59 (1964), no. 22, from Kubitscheck's copy; whence Robert, AC 35, 1966, 381, Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 29, PHI 608.
- Text constituted from:
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History