45. Verse honours for John, ?governor of Caria
Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Four fragments, none joining, from an white marble architrave, with a single fascia (H. 0.10). There is one line of carved decoration below this fascia; above it is an egg-and-dart moulding, and above that a panel of scroll decoration. a: 0.635 × 2.42 × 0.65; decoration survives above and below, the right end is complete and so, probably, is the left. b: 0.29 × 1.28 × 0.24; broken both ends, decoration broken away above. c: 0.23 × 0.64 × 0.48; broken both ends; decoration above still buried; underside revealed with a decorative panel. d: 0.33 × 0.86 × 0.22; broken at both ends; decoration broken away above.
- Text:
Inscribed in one line on the fascia, which shows traces (on a) of an earlier, erased inscription.
- Letters:
0.08; ornate, varied; all four blocks have a characteristic Ρ (only partly visible in a); square sigma in d, lunate in a.
- Date:
Fifth century(lettering; title).
a |
?vac. Α[..] Δῖος vertical line Ἰωάννης
Καρίης [...]
b |
[...] χώρωι cross vac. cross αυ[...]
c |
[...] cross μαρμαρ[ε...]
d |
[...]ονα σειρ[...]
a. [...] vac. Noble John of Caria [...]
b. [?to this] place [...]
c. [...] marble [...]
d. ?governor/governors [...]
Cormack read the first letter as a Λ, followed by one space, whence Robert conjectured [Ἑ]λλ[ά]διος; but although the surface here is in bad condition, examination of the stone and of a squeeze shows that the letter is an
Α, with a distinctive scroll dependent on the dropped cross-bar, and measuring 0.06. There is space for two letters between this and the Δ of Δῖος. Although the surface to the left is only superficially chipped, I can determine no trace of other letters. After Δῖος there is a thin but clear vertical line traversing the fascia.
a: Face (1973) |
a: Face (1975) |
b: Face (1975) |
c: Face (1973) |
d: Transcription by Reichel, Ι.28 |
See discussion at IV.35.
For Ioannes, see List of Governors, Ioannes.
- Found:
Fields, south-west of the Acropolis: a and c found partly buried, just east of the tall standing wall which lies 75 m east
of the Triconch Church. b was found lying loose some 100 m north of a and c. d 'bei der Stadtmauer sudl. der Akropolis' (Reichel).
- Original:
Basilica, south end.
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
d copied by Reichel (RI.28); a and b recorded by the MAMA expedition. a, b and c recorded by the NYU expedition.
- Bibliography:
a and b published by Cormack, from the MAMA records, MAMA 8, 429 and 604, whence a discussed by Robert, Hellenica 13, 158, BE 1966.394; d published by Cormack, from Reichel, Cormack (1964), 40; a - d published by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 45 and plate xi (a and b), whence PHI 706, Steinepigramme 02/09/95.
- Text constituted from:
Publications; Reichel notebook; transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History