Section: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII
Section IV: Arcadius to Theodosius II, 395-450
Inscriptions in this section
IV.1 Only two inscriptions (36 and 37) can be assigned with absolute certainty to this long period,
although it is possible that the name Theodosius, inserted in place of the
erased name of Julian in 20, refers
to Theodosius II. There are, however, some historical testimonia for the city's history in this period. In 443 Theodosius
II undertook a journey into Asia because of a vow, voti causa; he left
Constantinople after 9 March, and returned on 27 August ex Asiana
expeditione, ἀπὸ
ἐξπεδίτου τῆς Ἀσίας
(Chron. Min. 2.81). During that expedition, he issued a
novel on 22 May at Aphrodisias, directing the return to the cities of civic
lands which had been usurped; the law was in response to appeals made to him
when he was passing through Heraclea (Nov. 23). This is more easily taken as a reference to Heraclea Salbake, a few
miles from Aphrodisias, than to Heraclea Pontica, as some commentators have
assumed. Theodosius is known to have visited Heraclea Pontica, with the
intention of helping and restoring the city: ἰδεῖν καὶ ἐγείραι τῷ χρόνῳ κάμνουσαν (Sozomen, HE, Praef. 13). This could not, however,
be properly described as a visit to Asia, and there seem to be no firm grounds
for associating that journey with the expeditio Asiana of 443; that date can
therefore not serve as a terminus post
quem for the completion of Sozomen's Ecclesiastical
History, in which the journey to Heraclea Pontica is described. 1
IV.2 The novel issued at Aphrodisias reflects
a continuing imperial policy during this period of securing a reliable income
for the cities, after the confiscation of their income in the fourth century.
While we have reason to believe that Aphrodisias asked for a decrease in
taxation in the 380s (24), and there
are references to difficulties of some sort affecting Caria in the early fifth
century (36 and 37) the policy of restoring civic finances seems eventually to have
borne fruit, in the apparently increased prosperity of the city in the later
fifth and early sixth centuries. 2 We also know that during this period
the right to raise local taxes was under discussion at Mylasa in Caria;
tantalizing fragments survive from documents issued by Fl. Eudoxius, comes sacrarum largitionum between 427
and 429. 3 This gives us the name of the governor
of Caria, ὁ λαμπρὸς ἄρχων, Fl. Baralach; if the copy by Cyriac of Ancona is
reliable, the name (otherwise unattested) should probably be seen as Semitic in
origin (See List of Governors).
IV.3 Cyrus, bishop of Aphrodisias, attended
the Council of Ephesus in 431. On 22 or 23 June he was among the signatories of
a letter addressed by Nestorius to Theodosius II, complaining of the manner in
which the Council was being conducted. 4 But he did subsequently approve the
conclusions of the Council, since he signed the Acta. 5 It is possible that his shift in
loyalties was rewarded. In 435 Nestorius' views were declared heretical and his
supporters outlawed (CTh XVI. 5. 66).
In a law of 28 August 436, Cyrus is mentioned by name; he is specifically
exempted — the only person so treated — from the requirements of the
legislation, which regulates the payment of tribute in gold, because his merits
are so great that he should not be prevented from the enjoyment of a special
privilege even by a general ruling: tanta sunt merita ut etiam contra
generalem huiusmodi sanctionem speciali beneficio perfrui non vetetur (CTh II. 1. 37). It may well be that
Cyrus had earned this treatment by supporting government policy against the
Nestorians. His loyalty to the anti-Nestorian party is apparently confirmed by
his attendance at the extreme anti-Nestorian council held at Ephesus in 449,
the so-called 'Robber synod' which laid the foundations for the subsequent
heresy of monophysitism: see List of Bishops. By the time of the Council of Chalcedon in
451, which rejected the monophysite position. Cyrus had been replaced as bishop
by Critonianus (see List of Bishops);
but since Cyrus had been bishop for some twenty years, this change can
reasonably be attributed to natural causes, and need not imply that he was
deposed after the Robber Synod. 6 It is however worth noting that there
seems to have been a strong monophysite tendency at Aphrodisias later in the
fifth century and in the sixth (see discussion at VI.38), which might have had its origins in the
episcopacy of Cyrus.
IV.4 The importance of the role of Aphrodisias
in the province of Caria is clear from 36,
the base of a statue set up in honour of Anthemius, a prefect, hyparchos; 7 he must be identified with the Praetorian Prefect of 405-414 (PLRE II, Anthemius 1). Anthemius' son
has now been shown to have served as vicar of Asiana, and was honoured in verse
at Ephesus as hyparchos; 8 he also served briefly as PPO of Oriens in 435-6. 9 But the son, Fl. Anthemius Isidorus,
seems normally to have been referred to as Isidorus; it therefore seems easier
to take this inscription as referring to the father. The theme of a small
return for great benefits (line 2) is a commonplace. 10 For the idea of the PPO saving his
subjects compare 37 on Tatianus, πτολιέθρα σαώσας; the comes honoured in 14 was also a saviour of the
provinces, σωτῆρα
τῶν ἐθνῶν (see II.33). 11 The distinction here between δήμους and πόλεις is interesting; the δῆμοι are perhaps peoples
as assembled in the provincial assemblies, and so an equivalent to ἔθνη.
IV.5 Anthemius' statue was set up by a group
of Carians — φάλαγξ l.1, τάξις Καρῶν 1. 4. τάξις can be used of the ordo of a city, the local decurions (as perhaps in text 88), and I argued in my first edition
of this text that the term has here apparently been extended to mean the ordo of the province; this seems a
reasonable extension, given that the provincial assembly was now made up of all
the curiales of the province (see
above II.37). Φάλαγξ (for which I know no parallel in this sense) would then be a
variation on τάξις. But, while it was the Carians who set up the statue, it was the
governor, Beronicianus, who instructed them to do so (ἤνωγεν). The procedure presents some difficulties, since
the governor should not have been in a position to give orders to the
provincial council. For this reason Feissel suggested (1991),
372 that the body erecting the statue was the officium of the governor, and that the same was probably the case
in 88, honours set up by the τάξις. Similarly, no. 41 is an
inscription honouring a governor, set up by the head of his officium. This argument is strengthened by the military flavour of φάλαγξ, reflecting the concept of civil and military public
service as parallel, as in 41, where the word used is στρατεία. This explanation however presents some
difficulties; I am extremely grateful to Dr. Marietta Horster and Dr. Bernhard
Palme with whom as well as Dr. Feissel, I have discussed this point. Firstly, it is hard to see the circumstances
in which the officium might be being destroyed; while such language
might well be used by the upper class of Caria, feeling under pressure from
taxation, it seems unlikely that government servants would use it of
themselves. Secondly, the officium
was normally perceived as being the officium
of the governor — rather than of the province. If a governor ordered his officium to erect a statue, therefore,
this would presumably be equivalent to erecting it himself.
IV.6 I am therefore inclined to retain my
previous explanation for the wording, as reflecting the increasing restraints
on the erection of honorific statues during the later fourth and early fifth
centuries. These are set out in legislation and several times mentioned in
contemporary inscriptions. 12 In one such inscription at Athens the same verb appears. 13 The dedicator honoured Theodore
(proconsul of Achaea under Theodosius I, so editors and PLRE I, Theodorus 16, or Theodosius II) εἰκονι λαινέῃ, τὼς γὰρ ἄνωγε
πόλις — with a marble statue, for thus the
city instructed. The same idea is paraphrased as νεύματι Κεκροπίης, and balanced with the obtaining of
imperial permission for a bronze statue, νεύματι Θευδοσίου. ἤνωγε in our inscription may
well have the same sense as ἄνωγε in the text from Athens, where it appears to mean authorise. As the
legislation on the erection of statues became more restrictive, the Carians may
have needed the governor's authority to put up a marble statue of Anthemius. If
this interpretation is correct, then it may also explain the traces at the
beginning of line 1 as a variation on the commonplace of what honours are
allowable, θέμις (as at IV.28);
but the precise phrase is not obvious.
IV.7 The epigram praises Anthemius, in conventional
and general terms, for saving peoples and cities; but he is also praised
specifically for his help to the Carians, who were being destroyed, ἀπολλυμένην. It is not clear to what this refers, but it is
not the only mention in the inscriptions of serious problems at Aphrodisias in
the fifth century (compare the λοίγιον
ἄτην of 37, and the ἐνφύλιον δῆριν of 64). It might refer to the lsaurian raids, which in 404-7 reached
as far as Caria: μέχρι
Καρῶν καὶ Φοινίκων τὰς ἐν μέσῳ πόλεις καὶ κώμας ἐκακούργουν, Sozomen 8. 25. 1. Anthemius could
reasonably have been credited with their suppression: but, in that case, one
might expect some specific reference to war or bravery. The other pressure
which might have affected the curial class of Caria was the burden of taxation.
We know that in the 380s Aphrodisias asked and obtained some lessening of tax,
explicitly mentioned in 24;
Anthemius may have responded to some further request by the assembly of Caria.
One specific benefit, for which he was presumably responsible, was the
remission in 414 of arrears of tax for the years 368-408 (CTh IX. 28. 9). Even if
this was no more than a routine measure (so Jones, LRE 206, with 467 on remissions in general), it was the first
remission of tax arrears in the east for some forty years. This perhaps
inspired our epigram, which could then be dated to 414; but it may equally
refer to some benefit of which we know nothing.
IV.8 Text 37,
honouring Tatianus, opens with a convention, typical of such verse -a question
which is asked by the monument itself. 14 The man honoured is Fl. Eutolmius
Tatianus (PLRE I, Tatianus 5), from
Sidyma, in Lycia, who held a series of offices, culminating in that of
Praetorian Prefect of the East from 388-392; as PPO he was responsible for putting up statues of the imperial
family at Aphrodisias (25—27, with discussion at III.25). His early career is described as holding the
highest offices, ἀριστεύσασ
δ' ἐνὶ θώκοις; 15 it was probably as PPO that he was considered to have
saved cities by just laws (v. 2): for the PPO saving cities see above, IV.8.
All-conquering time, πανδαμάτωρ χρόνος is a conventional phrase which dates back to the Hellenistic period;
it recurs in an epigram at Ephesus, honouring the proconsul Messalinus perhaps
of the late fourth century. 16 The implication is that Tatianus'
memory was simply being erased by the passage of time; but in fact we know that
he suffered damnatio memoriae after
his fall from power in 392. His name was erased from the imperial dedications
which he had put up at Aphrodisias (25,
26, 27), and the name of his son, Proculus, was erased from the obelisk
in the Hippodrome at Constantinople (ILS 821).
IV.9 Tatianus himself had been honoured with a
statue at Aphrodisias — presumably erected by either the city, or the
provincial assembly, or, possibly, the governor — which must have suffered in
that damnatio; this inscription
records the restoration of the monument. The base itself seems to be a new one,
made for the purpose, and it may well be that the statue on it was also a new
one. If so, the reference to lifting up from the ground — ἐκ δαπέδων ἀνελὼν — must be taken figuratively; but it
is a very vivid phrase. We know that the destruction of statues and erasure of
inscriptions required for a damnatio
did not always entail the removal of a monument — thus, the statue of Julian
which accompanied 20 may have
remained in place with his name erased. 17 It may be that the statue of Tatianus
had been thrown to the ground, perhaps with its head damage or destroyed, and
that the younger Tatianus did repair it and place it on a new base (the στήλης of verse 5). Another statue restored at
about this period at Ephesus was also accompanied by an epigram which addresses
the viewer, and describes how Isidorus (the governor, son of Anthemius; see IV.4) had lifted it up: μ'ἀνάειρε πεσόντα. 18
IV.10 The man who restored the monument was
another Tatianus, a descendant of the PPO
: he describes himself as an imperial envoy, who dispensed justice, so, most
probably, a governor of Caria (see List of Governors). Robert suggested that he should be identified
with a Tatianus, known to us from a letter of Libanius of 388 (Ep. 899) as a son of the Prefect's
daughter, who was sent to stay with his grandfather, newly appointed as PPO. It is not obvious where he was
coming from — it need not be Antioch — or whether his purpose was simply to
visit his grandfather or to go and live with him for his education; the
language of the letter suggests the latter. But the phrase here, ἐξ ἐμέθεν τρίτατος — third from me — reflects a standard
formula used in inscriptions of the imperial period: Zeno, third from
Hypsicles, expressed as Ζήνων
γ τοῦ Ὑψικλέους. That
formula indicates that the men in the intervening generations bore the same
name. It may be that we should assume an otherwise unknown son of the prefect,
Tatianus, who called his own son Tatianus.
IV.11 In 450 Marcian, on his succession as
emperor, summoned from Sidyma in Lycia (the home town of Fl. Eutolmius
Tatianus: cf. TAM II, 186, 187) two
brothers, Tatianus and Julius, who, probably in the early 420s were said to
have prophesied Marcian's future reign. 19 He appointed Tatianus Prefect of
Constantinople, and his brother Julius governor of his native Lycia. The
mention of Sidyma makes a connection with the former PPO highly likely; and O. Seeck pointed out the probable identity
of this Tatianus with the grandson of the PPO
mentioned by Libanius. 20 This identification of these two Tatiani was accepted as possible by
Ensslin. 21 He, however, went on to assume that
the city prefect (who is attested in office between December 450 and July 452 —
see PLRE II, Tatianus 1) was the same
man as the patricius Tatianus who was
sent on an embassy to the Vandals in 464 (Prisc.31-2) and was consul in 466;
this identification was accepted in PLRE
II. 22 At this stage, however, the
identification with the boy — described as νέος by Libanius — who went to
live with his grandfather in 388 becomes difficult, since he cannot have been
born later than 380 at the latest. This would seem to rule out his serving on
an embassy at the age of at least 84; it may perhaps create problems for his
appointment to the post of city prefect at the age of at least 70. It seems
necessary to assume either that the city prefect was not the grandson of the PPO, but a younger man of the same
family, who continued active in the 460s, or that, if the city prefect was the
grandson of Fl. Eutolmius Tatianus, the patricius
Tatianus was a different and younger man — very probably his son. Priscus says
only of this Tatianus that he was a patricius,
while he summarises the previous career of Constantinus (PLRE II, Constantinus 22) who was sent, at the same time, on an
embassy to the Persians (Prisc. loc.cit.).
IV.12 It remains to consider, therefore, with
which Tatianus the governor of Caria in this inscription should be identified.
In my previous edition of this text I argued that he was the great-grandson of
the PPO, and the grandson of his
daughter. The city prefect of 450 would be identified with the grandson of Fl.
Eutolmius Tatianus, and the son of the city prefect would then be the governor
of Caria. If he held his office while his father was city prefect, it might
then be that his restoration of his great-grandfather's statue coincided with
the restoration of the name of Proculus, the son of Fl. Eutolmius Tatianus, on
the obelisk at Constantinople. 23 Feissel, however, felt strongly the
man here was a grandson of the prefect; 24 and I now feel that my interpretation
of the term third from me was wrong. While in an inscription of the imperial
period, as mentioned above, this would
mean the third person called y
descended from x, I do not think that that usage is reflected here; but I do
think that the term third needs to imply another Tatianus between grandfather
and grandson. I therefore think that it may be better, rather than trying to
force the information which we have to fit the attested members of the family,
to assume that the PPO had another, younger son, who stayed quietly in Lycia,
and was probably not exterminated in 392 — merely banned from public office
with the other Lycians. This man's son, also Tatianus, need not have been born
as early as 380. He could have served as governor of Caria under Theodosius II,
and restored his grandfather's statue; he could therefore also be the man
called into service by Marcian in 450, and he perhaps completed his work of
restoring his family's reputation by restoring the name of Proculus when he
held office in Constantinople.
IV.13 Livrea
has recently argued that the exceptionally elegant language and style of the
epigram at Aphrodisias reflects a man of considerable literary ability; he
suggests that the governor of Caria was the later Prefect of Constantinople,
and should also be identified with the Tatianus to whom the Empress Eudocia
refers as a poet, ὑμνοπόλοιο, in the preface to the Homerocentra (ll. 19-21). The argument
is very attractive, and further reinforces our understanding of the importance
of literary skill in political circles in this period. 25 But it is
not clear that it is sufficient to argue, from the excellence of the verse,
that the author could only be a man known to us as a poet; and it looks as if
we may have several Tatiani active in the first half of the fourth century.
IV.14 These proposals are largely speculative;
but, however the evidence is interpreted, one striking element remains clear.
In 450 the descendants of Fl. Eutolmius Tatianus were of sufficient importance
for the new emperor to wish to assert his relationship with them; it seems likely
that they had the same kind of prestige as the family of another former PPO, Anthemius, to whose grandson
Marcian married his daughter. This suggests that the severe measures taken by
Rufinus after the fall of Fl. Eutolmius Tatianus (see III.26)
had not been sufficient to eradicate the family and its influence. Moreover,
the connection of that family with Lycia continues to be a significant aspect
of its authority — Julius, the brother of the city prefect, is made governor of
Lycia in 450, and the epigram at Aphrodisias opens with an assertion of the
Lycian origin of the PPO. The
importance of this connection perhaps helps to explain Rufinus' decision to
penalise Lycians in general (see III.26). All this gives a context for the family
pride which, at some time in the first half of the fifth century led the
younger Tatianus to restore the statue of the PPO at Aphrodisias.
IV.15 The last three verses describe the
achievements of the younger Tatianus. He gave justice to men — a commonplace in
describing a governor, 26 and is described as ἀρωγός (for which see 87, describing a local benefactor). More unusually, he is said to
have driven deadly ruin — λοίγιος
ἄτη — from the land of
the Carians (v.7). The phrasing recurs in 64
and 86 ; but the reference to ἄτη seems specific, and not easy to explain. There
are references to difficulties of some kind affecting Caria, which were removed
by Anthemius, at the beginning of the fifth century (36); and to strife, at some uncertain date in the fifth century,
in 64; but it is a measure of how
little we know that we can only conjecture what these problems may have been.
IV.16 The dating of texts 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 raises wider issues about the evolution of the province of
Caria. The texts appear on general stylistic grounds to be fifth century; the
benefactor Ampelius, in 38, 42, 43 and 44, has (in 42 and 43) the epithet ἐλλογιμώτατος, first found in the mid-fifth century;
the use of indiction dating in 42
and 43 is also characteristic of the
mid fifth century. The principal terminus ante quem is provided by the
description, in 40 and 45, of the governor of Caria as ἡγέμων (a tentative reading in 45). It is uncertain how much weight to
place on this use, since 40
(certainly) and 45 (probably) are in
verse; but it probably indicates that the governors concerned were praesides (ἡγέμονες) rather than consulares (ὑπατικοί). We know that at some point in the
fifth century the governor of Caria was
upgraded from praeses to consularis; it seems likely that, for
some time at least thereafter, an effort would have been made to use the more
prestigious title, even when metrical considerations made it difficult to do
so. The terminus post quem for the
upgrading of the office is the composition of the Notitia Dignitatum between 395 and 413, probably in 401; 27 in that document, Caria is described
as being governed by a praeses — so
Beronicianus, (36). The terminus ante quem is either the
composition of the Synecdemus of
Hierocles, describing Caria as under a consularis, or the reign of Anastasius, during which a consularis, Fl. Ioannes, is attested as governor of Caria (see List of Governors), whichever is the earlier.
IV.17 Unfortunately the Synecdemus of Hierocles offers no clear evidence of authorship or
date. The most substantial indications are the attribution of imperial dynastic
names to various cities; the list includes a large number of city names derived
from members of the Theodosian house, but only a few referring to the families
of later emperors. A. H. M. Jones deduced from this that the document which we
have is based largely on a record drawn up before the end of the reign of
Theodosius II, and this view has generally prevailed. 28 It is clear, however, that some later
additions were made, at least up to the first year of the reign of Justinian. 29 The Synecdemus also gives the rank of the governor of each province, but this is not
necessarily of the same date as the main body of the material; there is
evidence to suggest that this list is one of the later elements in the document,
and dates from not earlier than 490. 30 If this is so, then the use of ἡγέμων in 40 and 45 indicates only that they date from
before the reign of Anastasius, 491-518.
IV.18 The three epigrams 38, 39 and 40 were cut on the façade of a
monumental structure at the east side of the South Agora. The building itself appears
originally to have been constructed in the late first century AD, an elaborate
Asiatic columnar arrangement featuring niches and aedicula. It is still the
subject of excavation, and its original function cannot yet be determined; for
the time being, the excavators refer to it as the 'Agora Gate'. At a later
date it was remodelled; a brick-paved pool was built in front (the west side),
and pipes were inserted in the masonry to create a monumental fountain. The retaining
wall of the pool included 7 and 36; it was decorated with a variety of panels and relief sculpture
taken from earlier monuments. 31 What is not clear is what the relationship was between this basin and
the long pool which ran the length of the South Agora. 32 The positioning of the texts suggests,
that they are contemporary with the building work, put up to honour the people
responsible for the restoration of the Agora Gate (40) and its adaptation as a fountain (38). There are two indications of date: a terminus post quem is perhaps provided if 36 (originally put
up between 405 and 414) was re-used in the retaining wall of the pool (but the
account of its excavation leaves this unclear); a terminus ante quem is
certainly provided by the description of Dulcitius in 40 as ἡγέμων, suggesting a date before
490 at the latest (see IV.16).
IV.19 As Erim pointed out, there is a striking parallel at Ephesus for
the remodelling of a major public building as a fountain or Nymphaeum; 33 there, in the late Roman period, the
façade of the Library of Celsus was filled in to serve as a backdrop for a
collecting pool whose retaining wall was decorated with re-used relief
sculpture, just as at Aphrodisias. 34 The only evidence for the dating of
that conversion is an inscription ascribing the work to a Stephanus, whose rank
is not given, but who is very probably the proconsul of the early fifth
century. 35 The strong similarities between the conversions at Ephesus and at
Aphrodisias suggest that one was influenced by the other, and that they were
fairly closely contemporary. The Library of Celsus had apparently been in ruins
before its conversion; 36 the same was probably true of the
Agora Gate at Aphrodisias, and this would explain the reference in 40 to Dulcitius' restoration after
unnumbered years. Both adaptations perhaps arose from an increase in public
building activities, which can be detected in the middle and later fifth
century (see further V.6).
IV.20 Mentions of the Nymphs are conventional in describing any
undertaking involving water; 37 in 38 they thank Ampelius for giving beauty and wonder — another
standard theme explored by L. Robert. 38 More interesting is the description of
the place itself: χώρῳ
φυνικόεντι (i.e. φοινικόεντι). Although the adjective is normally associated
with φοῖνιξ red, crimson (so,
frequently, in Homer), it is better here to connect it with the noun's other
meaning, palm-tree; the place of palms gives a more obvious sense than the
red place. The adjective φοινικόεις is not otherwise attested with this meaning, but other derivatives of
the two meanings of φοῖνιξ are not differentiated
in form. Moreover, a palm-grove is
attested at Aphrodisias. Probably in the first century AD., Artemidorus Pedisas set up a statue of Hermes, and a gilded
Aphrodite, with Erotes holding lamps on either side and a marble Eros in front,
as he promised when the palm-grove was being made, during his term as strategos. 39 Robert drew attention to another such
palm-grove at Smyrna, which seems to have been an elaborately decorated park. 40 The grove at Aphrodisias was probably
another such park, and the statues dedicated by Artemidorus Pedisas part of the
decoration. There is no indication of where the grove was; but it may have lain
at the east side of the South Agora, and
have been embellished by the creation in the fifth century of a fountain at the
Agora Gate. This supposition may be supported by Artemidorus Pedisas' choice of
statues. Aphrodite is an obvious choice, and Erotes are her companions; but
Hermes, worshipped at Aphrodisias as Hermes Agoraios, would be particularly
appropriately placed in an area adjoining the Agora. 41 Erotes would also be well suited to
such a location -examples of dedications of Erotes in an agora, or by agora
officials, were set out by Robert. 42 I would therefore conjecture that the
creation of a fountain by Ampelius and his colleagues was an addition to the
decorations of a palm-grove which already existed beside the Agora.
IV.21 Ampelius is honoured in verse in 38 and perhaps in 44; he is also named in two other inscriptions, 42 and 43 as responsible for building works. In those two he is described
as a scholasticus, and as a father
of the city, πατὴρ
τῆς πόλεως. Those titles are rendered poetically here as ἴδμονι θεσμοσύνης, learned in law and γενετῆρι τιθήνη, father of his motherland. The
terminology is typical of the epigrams of this period: ἴδμων is apparently attested only in an epigram by
Leontius Scholasticus, also about a lawyer: εὐνομίης ἴδμονα AP 7. 575, and in poems
by Gregory Nazianzen and Nonnus. θεσμοσύνη is only found in an epigram by Agathias (AP 7. 593).
C. P. Jones has pointed out a similar circumlocution in a late Roman epigram at
Sardis. where a father of the city is described as πάτρης γενέτηρ. 43 Ampelius' praises in 38 are elegantly expressed in one of
the few hexameter epigrams from the site, in which, unusually, the author names
himself as Pythiodorus of Tralles — not otherwise known. His occupation,
expressed as ῥητήρ, may have been as a
professional poet, or equally well as a lawyer. 44 His 'signature' here encourages
speculation about how, and by whom, the abundant corpus of late Roman epigrams
was composed. L. Robert suggested that they were often composed by cultivated
local decurions. 45 Perhaps it was a particular compliment
to Ampelius that Pythiodorus was called in to compose these verses, and this
was why his name was incorporated in the epigram.
IV.22 Ampelius was a scholasticus, that is, a man qualified by having passed through all
the stages of a general education to practice law. 46 The title comes into widespread use in
the papyri of the fourth century, and starts to appear in inscriptions during
the fifth century. 47 The epithet ἐλλογιμώτατος, most eloquent, is regularly applied to scholastici, and first appears in the mid-fifth century. 48 The use of the title scholasticus is interesting, in that it
records a professional qualification, rather than an officially awarded honour
or office; it must have served the same function as the modern 'Dr' or 'MA.'.
It is a characteristic aspect of the later Roman period that higher education
could offer a route to success as much as wealth and inherited position; thus,
in the Acta of the Council of Serdica
of 347, probable aspirants to the position of a bishop are considered to be a
rich man or a scholasticus, sive
dives, sive scholasticus, neither of whom can be exempted from the normal
procedures. 49 Scholasticus is frequently used by municipal officials; 50 and the imperial officials had scholastici
on their staff. 51 The title is even used by governors
(so in 65 a governor of Caria), and
it is implicit in the passage of Makarios/Symeon cited above that a
governorship or similar post was the aim of a scholasticus. The use of the title, even by holders of apparently
more distinguished offices, presumably reflects an increasing value placed on
the qualification which it describes.
IV.23 Ampelius' official position is father
of the city, πατὴρ
τῆς πόλεως, pater civitatis. This municipal appointment seems to
have come into existence in the middle decades of the fifth century: for a
discussion of the financial background see IV.32.
It was apparently held by the local official responsible for undertaking
building works for the city with the city's own funds, but may not have existed
in every city. 52 It seems to be in this capacity that Ampelius was responsible for work
on the North East gate (42) and the
Bouleuterion/Odeon (43), as well as
the Agora Gate (38); if 44 also refers to him, he well have
been responsible for work on the Theatre Baths, either in a public or a private
capacity. See further IV.31.
IV.24 The governor Dulcitius is honoured in the
other two epigrams on the Agora Gate (39
and 40), implying that he was also
responsible for its restoration; he was also honoured with a statue by the head
of his staff (41). The same verb ἐγείρω, appears in 39, line 1, and 40, line
4; and κτίστης, founder used in 40, line 1, seems a likely restoration
in 39, line 2. 53 The sense of the last two lines seems
to be that he was unsparing of his wealth for the sake of good reputation (for
the sentiment, cf. 83. xvi), which
is the best, or only permanent, memorial for mankind (a commonplace at all
periods). In 40 Dulcitius is
described as praeses Cariae, and he
is praised in terms characteristic of a governor in 41. That gives no indication of date; for the implications for the
date of his rank of praeses, see IV.17. Neither of his two epigrams on the Agora Gate
is as elegantly composed as that for Ampelius. 40 opens with a string of epithets. Φιλότιμος is a traditional epithet for a
benefactor at all periods; κτίστης is also standard. Ἀγωνοθέτην is a far more unusual epithet to find
at so late a date, but it recurs at Aphrodisias in the inscription honouring a
later governor, the consularis Vitianus
(65). Alan Cameron suggested that,
at least by the sixth century, the old sense of the word, as indicating that
the man concerned had paid for games or public performances, had been lost, and
that the term simply indicated the man who presided. 54 While this may make sense in the
context of Constantinople, the emphasis on the function of agonothete in the
two inscriptions at Aphrodisias suggests more active involvement. It is easiest
to assume that these governors paid (from government funds) some or all of the
expenses of some games, perhaps as part of a permanent transfer of agonistic
funding to the governor, as in Syria (CJ I.
36. 1 of 465); but it seems more likely that those governors specifically
praised as agonothetes had made particular contributions towards the expenses
of municipal or even provincial games.
IV.25 The first verse of 40 ends with φιλότιμον; to this were added the words καὶ Μαιουμάρχην, inscribed
at the same time as the rest of the text. This suggests that the phrase was added
after the epigram had been composed, but before it was inscribed. If such texts
were, as is probable, approved by the city council, it may have been added at
that stage. What is clear is that the office or function of Maioumarch was
considered important. This is a new term, presumably indicating one who
presides over — and probably pays for — a Maiouma. The Maiouma was a Syrian
festival, which Malalas describes as a theatrical festival held at night, σκηνικὴ ἑορτὴ νυκτερινὴ, in a passage where he describes how
the funds for this, among other festivals at Antioch, were reorganized on a firm footing
under Commodus. 55 In a very useful recent overview of
the evidence, it has been pointed out that the word is found in several senses,
including that of a building appropriate to the celebration of the festival; 56 but the epithet here suggest a concern with the celebration of the
festival. While it most probably had religious origins, by at least the fourth
century its appeal was as a festivity without serious religious implications,
as is implied by Julian's criticism of the Antiochenes for spending εἰς τὰ δείπνα τοῦ Μαιουμᾶ, on Maiouma dinners, instead of on
sacrifices. 57 It is apparently as a form of
entertainment that it spread into Asia Minor, 58 and as far west as Ostia; 59 it seems to have increased in
popularity in the late Roman period. It is possible that this is the night-time
festival, with performances by a pantomime dancer, which Joshua the Stylite
describes as taking place at Edessa in 495/6 — a procedure without precedent
in the city. 60 By the fourth century it was
sufficiently widespread to have been forbidden; a law of 396 removed the
restriction: placuit ut maiumae provincialibus laetitia reddatur (CTh XV.16.1). In 399, however, the same
emperors ruled that, while ludicras artes were permissible, the maiouma could
not be allowed: illud vero, quod sibi nomen procax licentia vindicavit,
maioumam, foedum atque indecorum spectaculum, denegamus (CTh XV.16.2. 61 . According to Malalas, however, the
praetorian prefect Antiochus Chuzon gave money to Antioch in 430-1 for the
Maioumas; 62 and the Justinianic Code retained only
the Theodosian ruling permitting the Maiouma (CJ XI.45).
IV.26 What remains unclear is exactly what was
involved. Malalas assumed that the name meant that the festival was celebrated
in May; in fact, the derivation is probably from the Semitic mai, water. On this basis it has been
argued that John Chrysostom was describing a Maiouma when he criticized his
congregation for going to see naked mimes swimming. 63 While this is only an assumption,
there are other indications that water played some part in the celebrations,
and the discovery of a large pool in the South Agora further suggests aquatic
spectacles. But the passage of Malalas suggests that it was largely a festival
of mime and pantomime performances, put on at night. It is also clear that it
was accompanied by smaller, private celebrations and dinner-parties, at which
entertainers may have performed; and it may be that eventually these private
entertainments were all that survived of what had been a public festival. The
word was to linger on in Byzantium in the sense of a donative or generous
hospitality. Dulcitius' title of Maioumarch, therefore, may indicate that he
presided over the celebration of a Maiouma, and that he contributed funds
towards its celebration — there would be a parallel with the governor Vitianus,
who is also described as agonothete (65).
IV.27 Dulcitius was also honoured with a statue,
of which no. 41 is the base. While
Dulcitius' position is not described in this text, he is praised in terminology
regularly used of governors, for his εὐνομία and his
labours. 64 The opening formula, a variation on
the theme 'I would have provided a gold statue', is a convention in such texts.
As gold statues, never common, became increasingly rare, there grew up a
literary tradition, in honorific epigrams, of apologising for not using more
valuable materials for a statue. The implication, made explicit here, is that
the only restraint was a legal one, εἰ θέμις ἦν (v. I); the reference is to the legislation
restricting the kinds of statues that could be erected (see discussion at IV.6), although, by the fourth century this
legislation did not even include a mention of gold statues, as being already
too unusual to require restraint. 65
IV.28 The man who put up the statue, Valerianus,
describes himself as πρῶτοσ
στρατίης (v. 3). This must be a poetic rendering of princeps officii, chief of the governor's bureau of civil servants. 66 The officium is regularly conceived in military terms. 67 Since this base records one of the
rare occurrences in the late Roman period at Aphrodisias of a statue being
erected by an individual, it provides a remarkable indication of the prosperity
of the imperial bureaucracy in the provinces, and this is borne out by other
inscriptions put up by local civil servants (70, 116); it would
remain true even if we assume that Valerianus was acting on behalf of the
entire officium (which is not
indicated, but cannot be ruled out). Evidence that service in the provincial
administration was considered a burden should probably not be pressed too far, since it appears that, at
Aphrodisias at least, some of the provincial civil servants found themselves
very comfortably off. 68
IV.29 Dulcitius' statue was put up as a witness
to his labours, a standard cliché; 69 it apparently stood in front of the baths. Since the base
was found re-used in the fortification wall at the east of the Theatre, this
must refer to the baths which adjoin the Theatre at the south-east. 70 It appears that they were restored at
precisely this period (so 44); and
the phrasing of the epigram may imply that here too Ampelius and Dulcitius were
both involved in the work. The complex appears to have received further
restoration or embellishment in the late fifth century from Asclepiodotus (53) and Pytheas (57).
IV.30 The close similarity in phrasing between 42 and 43 supports the conjecture (originally made by K. T. Erim) that
Flavius Ampelius' name should be restored in 43. If the man responsible was not Ampelius, he held identical
titles and offices at about the same period. The fragments from the Theatre
Baths (44), although very
insubstantial, are most easily interpreted as a further reference to Ampelius.
These texts therefore suggest that a civic official was concerned with several
building projects in the later fifth century, presumably reflecting the prosperity
of the city.
IV.31 The financial arrangements of the cities of
the later Roman empire are not entirely clear to us. Most of the evidence is
provided by the legislation, but this is evidently full of lacunae; thus we
know that in the early fourth century city properties and civic taxes had been
taken over by the imperial government, because Julian restored them. After
Julian's death the estates and the taxes were re-appropriated by the imperial
government; but during the second half of the fourth century it became clear
that the cities needed at least some of these revenues for public works. The
outcome is far from certain, but by the end of the fourth century the cities
seem to have been receiving one-third of the income from their estates, and
one-third of the civic tax income, for the maintenance and restoration of
public buildings. While the cities administered their own estates, the tax
income went directly to the imperial government, who then returned one third to
the cities; but in 431 the administration of this third was entrusted directly
to the cities (CJ 4. 61. 13). The general trend of all this legislation between
the mid-fourth and the mid-fifth centuries was towards securing a steady income
for the cities, to enable them to meet their responsibilities. This was the
spirit of the novel issued by Theodosius II in 443 at Aphrodisias (Nov. 23; see discussion at IV.1), restating
the rights of cities to their own properties; followed by Marcian in 451 (Nov. 3), he restored usurped
possessions to the cities. 71 The law of 431, giving direct
administration of their own third of the civic taxes to the cities, probably
meant that the cities, or at least those for whom a substantial sum was
involved, needed to appoint new officials. The first appearance of the pater civitatis in the middle
years of the fifth century suggests that he was this official.
IV.32 If imperial policy was intended to secure
civic incomes in order to encourage spending on building works, it appears to
have been quite successful. At Aphrodisias, the major public building works in
the fourth century were undertaken by governors (so 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 235); but in the
middle and later fifth century we find the city undertaking building and
restoration through the pater civitatis (see List of Local Officials). This may, however, be
only partly the result of the legislation; it also coincides with a resurgence
of private beneficence, which suggests a general increase in prosperity (see V.6).
IV.33 The result of the imperial policy of
restoring civic finances is exemplified in 42,
which records the restoration by the pater civitatis, Ampelius, presumably
with civic funds, of a gate, the North East, which had been built by a governor, probably in the
360s ( 22). The legislation
specifically mentions, as the chief object for which such income was required,
the restauratioo or reparatio moenium publicorum. 72 There is no evidence of the extent of
Ampelius' restoration, although it may have been at this time that 112 (which cannot be dated much before
the fifth century) was inserted in a bastion in the east wall and that the
inscription (MAMA 8, 448) recording
the establishment of the palm-grove was re-used in a north-east bastion of the
wall (see above at III.18). This is
speculation; but it might suggest that Ampelius was responsible for adding or
reinforcing bastions, at least along the eastern circuit of the walls. At a
later date, probably in the seventh century, and certainly between 553 and 680, the name of the
Aphrodisians was erased, and the new term Stauropolitans was inserted (see
further discussion at VI.47).
IV.34 Ampelius was certainly responsible for work
on the adaptation of the Agora Gate as a fountain (38), and probably for work in the Bouleuterion (43) and the Theatre Baths (44). The work in the Bouleuterion was
apparently carried out in a tenth indiction, two years later than the
restoration of the North East gate. It seems to have involved the adaptation of
the building (ἐγένετο, regularly used of building works, seems to imply a new function rather than
a restoration) as a palaestra; the
normal meaning, wrestling-school, or wrestling-ground, makes no sense here,
but there are two possible derivations that might apply. One is simply that of
place for competitions. The gymnasia — which had included the true palaestrae — had largely disappeared from civic life over a century before; 73 the word palaestra may only have
retained vague connotations of competition, not even necessarily wrestling. 74 Such a sense is not specifically
attested; but the presence of factional inscriptions on the seats of the
Bouleuterion/Odeon suggests that the building was used at this period for some
kind of competitive displays. 75 An alternative interpretation is that the use here derives from the
sense of place of training, school which palaestra can have. 76 It seems that the Odeon at Athens,
originally built as a concert-hall, was adapted in the second century as a
lecture-hall; its façade was appropriately decorated with two statues of seated
'philosophers'. 77 The Bouleuterion at Aphrodisias may have had meetings of the Council as
its primary function; that this continued to be its function into late
antiquity is suggested by the findspot of 73
(see discussion at V.52). But the presence of
two large statues of seated 'philosophers', of the imperial period, suggests
that the building also served as a lecture-hall. 78 We know that philosophy was taught at
Aphrodisias in the later fifth century (see V.5);
it may be that the Bouleuterion/Odeon continued to be used for lectures and
teaching. This sense of palaestra fails to explain the presence of
the factional inscriptions; it is entirely possible, however, that the Odeon
was used in the fifth century both for lectures and for performances. If this
is so, it seems slightly more probable that palaestra refers to its educational
functions. The importance of the Bouleuterion/Odeon at this period is also
indicated by the presence of the statue of Pytheas, an eminent citizen of the
late fifth century (56 and
discussion at V.18).
IV.35 Despite some variations in the letter forms
of 45 it is likely that all these
fragments come from the same monument; recent work suggests that this was the
monumental hall at the south end of the Basilica at the south side of the
Agora. 79 L. Robert, restoring a on the basis of Cormack's description,
suggested that it might refer to a governor, Helladius Ioannes. the man
honoured as Helladius in 16—18 (see List of Governors); but the further examination of the stone
makes this less likely. The letter Α and the
vertical line after Δῖος are probably the
remaining traces of a previous, erased text. The distinctive form of the alpha suggests that the erased text was itself not earlier than the fourth
century. The terminology suggests that this is a metrical inscription. For Ἰωάννης in this position in the line compare the opening
of AP 7, 712: Αὐτὸν Ἰωάννην ὁ γέρων κτλ.. The first α in Καρία is normally long, but it is treated as short for
metrical purposes in 32, v. 2.
The reference to marble (in c) suggests
building works; for χῶρον in such a context compare 38. Fragment d should probably be read
as ἡγεμόνα or ἡγεμόνας — perhaps
a reference to surpassing former governors? — which suggests that this is an epigram in honour of a praeses Cariae, Ioannes; for the implications for the date, see discussion at IV.16.
IV.36 Eustochius appears in the nominative in
both 46 and 47, which presumably described his activities, probably in building
or repairing work in the North Temenos complex. 80 The surviving traces of 47 do not recall any of the standard
formulae for such inscriptions, and suggest strongly that the original text was
in verse. The restoration Παφίην in b
is far from certain, but a similar reference to Aphrodite is found in the
epigram honouring Pytheas (56). The
name Eustochius appears as an alternative name in a funerary inscription of the
early third century. 81
IV.37 Texts 48,
49, 50, 51 and 52 are all fragments of revetment
panelling with traces of inscriptions; they were all found in the Hadrianic
Baths, and three of the five had been re-used. While none of these
fragments is very informative in itself, they come from five different
inscriptions, each apparently from the late Roman period; fragments of four
further revetment inscriptions from this period, of even less significance,
have also been found in the Hadrianic baths. Text 233, although fragmentary, appears to come from a building
inscription in the Aleipterion of the baths; the text was perhaps in verse, and
the power referred to might be divine. All this suggests that the baths were
the subject of much building and repair work throughout the late Roman period;
the re-use of some of the material is evidence of a further phase of repairs.
Section: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII