75. Acclamations for ?governors
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Several columns (diam. 0.46) of blue marble, from the western portico of the Tetrastoon. Several of these columns showed traces of paint, but on only
two could anything be deciphered. Even on these little can be made out; not only have they suffered from re-use, but it is
clear that there had, as in 77 and 78, been several layers of plaster.
- Text:
Painted in red on several layers of white plaster.
- Letters:
In the flowing style characteristic of these painted texts; 0.035.
- Date:
Fifth/sixth century (terminology).
i |
(Only one level of text decipherable.) |
ii |
(Only one level of text decipherable but there are substantial traces of another lying beneath.) |
[? πολλὰ τὰ ]
[ἔτη] τῶν
ii. [?Many years for] the eparchs!
i. Column (1983) |
i. Detail (1983) |
ii. Column (1983) |
ii. Detail (1983) |
ii. Column (2004) |
See discussion at V.56 and, on acclamations, V.54.
- Found:
Theatre: east side: re-used in the Byzantine defence wall, across the southern parodos entrance. See Plan 6
- Original:
Tetrastoon: ?west portico.
- Last Recorded:
Re-erected as the ninth (i) and tenth (ii) columns from the south in the west portico of the Tetrastoon: see Plan 6
- Recording:
Found during the dismantling of the wall by the NYU expedition in 1982.
- Bibliography:
Published by •Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 75, whence PHI nos. 808, 809.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History