78. Fragmentary acclamations
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Two fragments from two separate rectangular white marble blocks, which look very much like doorposts. i. Upper part (0.87 × 0.81 × 0.42) broken below. ii. Lower part (0.60 × 0.51 × 0.38) broken above.
- Text:
i:. Just above the break a rectangular area of white plaster was outlined in red (H. 0.33, W. 0.55) and inscribed with a painted text; there are at least two levels of text (as in 75, 77). ii. A similar rectangular area is outlined below the break (H. 0.17, W. 0.53); only one level of text can be deciphered.
- Letters:
Flowing and elegant. i.a, 0.04; i.b, 0.05; ii, 0.04
- Date:
Fifth/sixth century (terminology).
i |
a |
b |
[... ?νικᾷ ἡ] τύχῃ [...]
[... ?εἰς αἰ]ῶνα η[...]
ii |
For translations of the recognizable phrases, see commentary.
i. Detail (1983) |
i. Face (1983) |
ii. Face (1983) |
See discussion at V.59 and, on acclamations, V.54.
- Found:
Theatre: reused in the Byzantine defence wall built across the east side of the Theatre, in the stretch blocking the south parodos.
- Original:
There is no indication of original provenance; but we know that materials for this wall were brought from as far away as the
Sebasteion complex.
- Last Recorded:
On site.
- Recording:
Excavated during dismantling of the defence wall in 1982.
- Bibliography:
Published by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 78, whence PHI 822-824.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History