77. Fragmentary acclamations
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Seven columns (i, 0.54 diam.; others all 0.29-0.30 diam.)
of blue marble, mostly broken at both ends. All showed traces of white
plaster, apparently applied to form a panel.
- Text:
Painted in red on the plaster within a painted square. As
in 75 and 78, there
seem to be several layers of plaster and of script. Decipherment is
made more difficult by the condition of the surface after re-use in
the wall. On only three of the columns could anything of substance be
discerned: the readings are fragmentary and unsatisfactory.
- Letters:
See text below.
- Date:
Fifth/sixth century (terminology).
i |
(A complete column (dia. 0.54, H. 2.14). On the lowest discernible level of plaster, there are traces of letters and a cross.) |
a |
(The second level (letters 0.03)) |
[...]ων[... c. 3 ...]τικ[...]
[πολλὰ [τὰ] ἔτ[η]
b |
(The uppermost layer (letters 0.04)) |
[...]ω |
ii |
(A column broken at both ends (diam. 0.305, H. 1.42). Letters: 0.045-0.05) |
a |
[...] |
b |
(The second level) |
c |
(The uppermost level) |
iii |
(A column broken at both ends (diam. 0.31, H. 1.26). Letters 0.045-0.05) |
a |
(The lowest level) |
[...] cross
b |
(The second, upper level) |
[...]ιοι vac. σε
ὁ θεὸς καλο͂ς
[ σε ] ἤνηγκεν
τὰ ἔ[τη]
For translations of the recognizable phrases, see commentary.
i. (1976) |
i. (1976) |
i. (1976) |
Fragments (1976) |
ii. (1976) |
iii. (1976) |
See discussion at V.58 and, on acclamations, V.54.
- Found:
Tetrastoon: reused in the Byzantine defence wall built across the east side of the Theatre, in the stretch blocking the north parodos.
See Plan 6
- Original:
There is no indication of original provenance; but we know that materials for this wall were brought from as far away as the
Sebasteion complex.
- Last Recorded:
On site.
- Recording:
Excavated during dismantling of the defence wall in 1976.
- Bibliography:
Published by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 77, whence PHI 815-821.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History