110. Dedicatory poem
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Four white marble fragments from the same feature, of which
two join, to form c. The original feature was a slightly convex white
marble block (H. 0.145, D. 0.40), and decorated with relief patterns
on the underside; the block was therefore designed to be seen from
below, and perhaps served a purpose similar to that of 99. Length: a: c. 0.50. b:
0.53. c: two joining fragments. 0.65.
- Text:
Inscribed in one line on the outer edge, which has a slight
slope upwards.
- Letters:
c. 0.08, are very ornate, with accents and
breathings; in c, ΜΝ and ΤΩ are in ligature, and the first Ω and last Ν are
above the line; star-shaped stop.
- Date:
Twelfth century (lettering).
a |
b |
[...]φ ὁρῶντες τ[...]
c |
[...] ἐμῶν ἐφευρεῖν ὀφλημάτων stop [...]
b. [...] seeing [...]
c. [...] to find
[?remission] for my sins. [...]
a: Face (1985)
b: Face (1985)
b: Underside (1985)
c: Face (1985)
c: Underside (1985)
See discussion at VII.25.
- Found:
A during excavation of the Sebasteion, b during excavation of the Tetrapylon, c a stray find.
- Original:
?An unidentified church.
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
All recorded by the NYU expedition (a, 83. 161; b, 84. 181; c, unnumbered).
- Bibliography:
Published by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 110, whence Steinepigramme 02/09/99 not in PHI.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History