235. Building inscription by Fl. Co[n]stantius, governor
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Black and white floor mosaic.
- Text:
Set within tabella ansata (0.47 × 1.42), which is broken away to left.
- Letters:
Lunate 0.07-0.08.
- Date:
AD 365/370 (prosopography).
[Φλ(άβιος) Κ]ωνστάντιος
[ὁ λ]αμπρότατος
[ἡ]γεμὼν καὶ τοῦτο τὸ
[ἔ]ργον ἐποίησεν
[Flavius C]onstantius, the clarissimus praeses, made this work also.
Face (1988) |
Face (1988) |
Basilica: west portico, from north (2004) |
Basilica, from north (2004) |
See discussion at III.16
For Flavius Constantius see 22 and List of Governors Constantius.
- Found:
Basilica: at the north-west corner, in the floor of niche at the 7th intercolumniation from the north. See plan 2.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Excavated by the NYU expedition in 1988 (88.21).
- Bibliography:
Published by •K. T. Erim, Aphrodisias Papers 27, p. 28 whence SEG 1996.1398, PHI 609, cited Anatolian Studies 39 (1989), 175-7, 177, whence BE 1989.138, 1989.517.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History