253. Honours for P. Aelius Septimius Mannus, governor
Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
Upper part of a simple white marble base shaft without moulding (0.52 × 0.455 × 0.42).
- Text:
Inscribed on the face; the text must have begun on an upper feature.
- Letters:
Standard third century forms, 0.025-0.03. Ligature: ΝΗ (l.5). There are apices over initial aspirated vowels, including the initial Α of ἁπάσης (l. 9).
- Date:
Mid third century (lettering, offices, language).
[?ὁ δῆμος]
Πόπλιον Αἴλιον
Μάννον stop τὸν
λαμπρότατον ἡ-
γεμόνα ὑπατι- |
κόν stop ἔνδοξον
ἀνδρεῖον ἁγνὸν
φιλάνθρωπον stop δι'
ἁπάσης ἥκοντα
ἀρετῆς τὸν ἑαυ- |
τοῦ εὐεργέτη[ν]
[So-and-so honoured] Publius Aelius Septimius Mannus, the clarissimus, governor (praeses), consular, distinguished, brave, pure, generous, having achieved all virtue, his/its benefactor [...]
Face (1988) |
Top of block (1993) |
The honouring body was a single masculine entity; while this could have been a grateful individual, it is perhaps more likely
that such an important text was put up by the demos.
See discussion at I.15.
For Publius Aelius Septimius Mannus see List of Governors Mannus.
- Found:
Basilica: Loose find in a field wall west of Basilica.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Found by the NYU expedition in 1988 (88.24, statue base index 87).
- Bibliography:
Published by •Roueché (1996) 231, whence SEG 1996.1394.
- Text constituted from:
Transcription (Roueché).
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Description | Text | Translation | Images | Commentary | Location | History