13.302. Funerary honours for Kallippos, Athenagoras and [·· ? ··]
- Description:
- A plain white marble block (H. 0.335 × W. 0.475 × depth not measurable) without moulding, but with a recessed edge on all sides, serving as panels in the tomb at the East gate.
- Text:
- The inscriptions are cut on the face, and run into the frames on both sides. i: the stone is badly worn at the upper right corner, and damaged at the lower edge, which survives; it could have continued on a lower block. ii: the text should have continued below.
- Letters:
- 0.02-0.025.
- Date:
- First to second century A.D. (lettering)
- Findspot:
- in incoporated in the Walls, South-east Gate
- Original Location:
- Necropolis, South-east
- Last recorded location:
- Findspot (1975)
- History of discovery:
- Recorded by Sherard in 1716 (10101 121-2); by Wood; by Deering (4 and 5); by Fellows; by Bailie (see Researches, 51-2, 83-4); by Choisy; by Loew; by Waddington; by Gaudin (154, 147); by the MAMA expedition; by the NYU expedition (inv?); mentioned by K&R (RI.14v).
- Bibliography:
- Published from Gaudin's squeeze by •Reinach, REG 19, 1906, 135, no. 58, 34, 82 ; from the MAMA records, by •Cormack, MAMA 8, no. 474, 475, 476 , whence McCabe PHI Aphrodisias 287, 242, 343 ; published by Reynolds, 'The first known Aphrodisian to hold a procuratorship', Steine und Wege (Vienna, 1999), 327-334, Appendix B.3 B.1, B.2,..
- Text constituted from:
- Transcription (Reynolds); Gaudin's squeeze; publication. This edition Reynolds (1999).
- i
- 1 ἡ β[ουλὴ καὶ ὁ δῆ]-
- 2μος [ἐτείμη]σεν
- 3 ταῖς κ[αλλίσ]τ̣αις
- 4 τειμαῖς Κάλλιπον
- 5 Ξενοκράτους γυ-
- 6μνασιαρχήσαν-
- 7τα καὶ στεφανη-
- 8φορήσαντα καὶ
- 9 ἀγωνοθετήσαν-
- 10τα καὶ ἐν πάσαις
- 11 ταῖς λι[το]υργίαις
- 12 καὶ φιλ̣[οδο]ξίαις
- 12a [·· ? ··
- ii
- 1 ἡ βουλὴ καὶ ὁ δῆ-
- 2μος ἐτείμησεν
- 3 Ἀθηναγόραν Ἀ-
- 4θηναγόρου τοῦ
- 5 Εὐμάχου ἄνδρα
- 6 καλὸν καὶ ἀγαθὸν
- 7 καὶ φιλόπατριν
- 8 καὶ γυμνασίαρ-
- 9χ{ι}ον καὶ στεφανη-
- 10φόρον καὶ ἀγωνο-
- 11θέτην γενόμε-
- 12νον καὶ πρεσβεύσαν-
- 13[τα ·· ? ··]
- iii
- 0 [ἡ βουλὴ καὶ ὁ δῆ]-
- 0a[μος ἐτείμησεν]
- 1 [·· c. 7 ··γυ]να[ῖ]
- 2[κα Ἀθην]αγόρο̣[υ
- 3 [τ]οῦ Ἀθηναγ[όρου]
- 4 σεμνὴν καὶ φί[λαν]
- 5δρον καὶ φι[λότε]
- 6κνον πά[σῃ διὰ]
- 7 παντὸς [τοῦ βί]
- 8ου δόξ[ῃ διαφέρου]
- 9σαν v.
- i
- 1ΗΒ[····][···][·][··]
- 2ΜΟΣ[······]ΣΕΝ
- 3ΤΑΙΣΚ[·····]·ΑΙΣ
- 12ΚΑΙΦΙ·[···]ΞΙΑΙΣ
- 12a[·· ? ··
- ii
- 13[·· - - - ]
- iii
- 0[············]
- 0a[············]
- 1[·········]ΝΑ[·]
- 2[······]ΑΓΟΡ·[·]
- 3[·]ΟΥΑΘΗΝΑΓ[····]
- 5ΔΡΟΝΚΑΙΦΙ[····]
- 6ΚΝΟΝΠΑ[·····]
- 7ΠΑΝΤΟΣ[···][··]
- 8ΟΥΔΟΞ[·········]
- 9ΣΑΝ
i. l. 3, μ[εγίσ]ταις Reinach.
ii. l. 9, ΧΟΝ MAMA. The superfluous iota is very lightly cut.
iii. l. 6-9, πά[σης διὰ] παντὸς [εὐκοσμί]ου δόξ[ῃ διαφέρου]σαν ἀ[ρετῆς] ΜΑΜΑ.
i. The council and the People honoured with the finest honours Kallip(p)os son of Xenokrates who had been gymnasiarch, stephanephorus, and president at contests, and in all liturgies and public services [·· ? ··]
ii. The council and the People honoured Athenagoras son of Athenagoras the son of Eumachos, a fine and good man and a lover of his city who had been a gymnasiarch, a stephanephorus and president at contests, and an ambassador [·· ? ··]
iii. [The council and the People honoured ·· ? ·· who was wife] of Athenagoras son of Athenagoras, who was much respected; she loved her husband and her children and was outstanding in reputation throughout her life.
This text was one of a group cut on the family tomb whose elements were incorporated into the walls at the south east gate of the city: 12.410 (= MAMA 462), 13.301 (=MAMA 472+473),13.302 (=474, 475, 476) and 12.409 (Walls 151) The group is published and discussed by Reynolds, 'The first known Aphrodisian to hold a procuratorship', Steine und Wege (Vienna, 1999), 327-334.
See also and 12.411 (=MAMA 548).
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