114. Prayer of Theodore
Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History
- Monument:
A column base; the surface is slightly chipped, and broken
away at the right.
- Text:
On the upper, flat fascia of the moulding.
- Letters:
simple; scroll for abbreviation. A cross has been superimposed on the
second line, cut over Β; a similar cross
was cut, presumably at the same time, on the socle of the column
- Date:
Fifth-sixth century or later (location, lettering, terminology).
cross εὐχὴ Θεοδώρου ο[..]ετησ
τῆς εὐλαβ(εστάτης) διακονίσης cross
Prayer of Theodore, ?son of [...]ete, the most
pious deaconess.
l.1: After Θεοδώρου,
Reinach read Κ[...]ΕΤΗΣ, whence
Grégoire restored κ[(αὶ) Ἀρ]ετῆς; but the first letter is definitely a
round one (Ο or Σ, Ε).
2. Kubitschek read another cross at the beginning of line
2, probably a double reading of the Τ.
Reinach, misled by the superimposed cross, read τῆς θυ[γ]ατρός.
View (1976)
114 and 128, from south
114 and 128, from south
Transcription by Kubitschek, Notebook 5, p. 15
See discussion at VIII.2, for
this type of text, and at VIII.5.
- Found:
Temple-Church: south aisle, the fourth column from the
east, on the south face of the base, cut on the upper moulding: see plan 5.
- Original:
- Last Recorded:
- Recording:
Recorded by Kubitschek (K.V.16; Abklatsch xvii); by Gaudin (31); by the NYU expedition.
- Bibliography:
Published from Gaudin by Reinach no. 210, whence
Grégoire, IGC 258; by Roueché, Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity no. 114 and plate xxx,
whence PHI 593.
- Text constituted from:
Publications; Kubitschek; transcriptions (Reynolds,
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Description | Text | Translation | Apparatus | Images | Commentary | Location | History